Monty on the Run -

Monty on the Run online playable C64 game

How to play C64 Monty on the Run online?

Monty the mole must escape from his house and head for the English Channel and freedom in Europe. In traditional platform game fashion, along the way he needs to collect various objects and solve puzzles to complete his escape. Before the game, five objects must be chosen to form Monty’s Freedom Kit. Choosing the wrong items will leave the player unable to pass certain screens. This also acted as an anti-piracy measure, since the objects were only given numbers onscreen meaning the player had to refer to the accompanying manual. The final screen sees Monty boarding a ferry to France. This was then the starting point for the follow-up Auf Wiedersehen Monty. (source:



Auto Start

C64 emulator Joystick mappings
Joystick 1:Key:Joystick 2:Key:
Left:Cursor leftLeft:A
Right:Cursor rightRight:D
Up:Cursor upUp:W
Down:Cursor downDown:S
Fire:Left CTRL KeyFire:Left SHIFT Key
Touchscreen joystick emulation: tap the 4 corners and the middle position.